The Questions They Love to Ask About Your Breast Feeding
I must preface this article by saying that I'm not surrounded by people that hate breastfeeding....moreover I think I've encountered people who just haven't had sufficient information about breastfeeding as a parent or as a non parent and therefore there's a natural amount of curiosity about what me and my boobs are up to. In raising (and breastfeeding) my two sons I've been asked a fair number of questions on the topic, some with alarming frequency and it would be easy to just say, 'it's none of your business' or other more decent witty comebacks, but on a good day I'm trying to instead provide some facts and information on the topic to fuel improved knowledge on the subject.
What To Expect
Whilst breastfeeding is a truly personal journey, be prepared to suddenly have your choices questioned and to hear a number of questions (some on a frequent almost daily basis). Here's what you might get used to hearing from friends, family and even the oddly empowered stranger who suddenly thinks your breastfeeding is also their business (it's not).
What are you looking at Image Morguefile
1. When are you planning on finishing breastfeeding?
2. Do you still need to breast feed, can't he have real food yet?
3. Can't he take a bottle?
4. Doesn't that hurt now that he has teeth?
5. When do you plan on weaning him off breast milk?
6. Can't you just give him cows milk now?
7. Is he finished feeding yet?
8. Will you stop feeding when he's 1?
9. Don't you cover him/her up when you're nursing?
10. Shouldn't you go to a special room for that?
The questions vary but the one thing that remains, is that these are your choices, your decisions and if breastfeeding is what you've decided (and are able) to do for your child, then get used to the questions. Take the chance to share your experiences (positive and negatives), and to share information and support to those asking. And to the negative folks that you may encounter out there, here's a great
link to some awesome comebacks if you're feeling particularly spirited or cheeky.
258293 - 2023-07-20 01:20:49