The mummy wars
There's this advert going round by an American formula manufacturer spreading the message that we should all just stop judging each other. All mums are good mums no matter how they feed their babies.
Nice message right? Heartwarming.
Own Image
Well it would be if it wasn't very clever advertising by a formula company. Of course every mum is a good mum no matter how they feed. The only ones insinuating they're not are the formula companies!
Lines like 'take it from us, you're doing great' may sound supportive but what it's really doing is sending the message that some people think you're not if you choose formula, you know those pushy, judgemental breast feeders? The ones who are getting in the way of formula sales by trying to help mums breastfeed.
As someone who is one of those 'pushy breast feeders' I can tell you hand on heart the only people I'm judging are the formula companies who are selling you a lie. I'm angry with them. I'm sad for the people who might have wanted to breastfeed but were sold a lie, made to doubt their bodies and then comforted by the formula ad. Pretty manipulative isn't it? To make women doubt their ability to feed and then COMFORT them about it with their life saving product and their clever tag lines?
The sad thing is the mummy wars won't end for as long as formula companies sell these lies. Facts will always feel like attacks because they're being subtly told they're being judged and when people feel attacked they switch off. Whether you breast or formula feed you should be angry about these very clever and manipulative adverts. Whatever feeding choice you make it should be an informed one and these adverts prevent mums from making informed choices. It's them we should be fighting, not each other!
{Suck it up buttercup!}
{Bribing mums to breastfeed!}
{Post Baby Bodies}
{Pressure to formula feed}
{Breastapo? Breastfeeding Nazi? You need a history lesson}
{Breastfeeding is not Special}
258380 - 2023-07-20 01:22:36