Suck it up buttercup
Oi parents! You're wrong! That decision you made was wrong!
How do I know? Because I'm an angry stranger on the internet and I know better about everything than you!
source wikimedia commons
So this parenting thing is kind of hard.
Not only do we have to make impossible decisions about what's best for this helpless little being but it turns out we also have to defend them to people who know next to nothing about us. No one warns you about that part!
At some point we've all come across someone who thinks we're the worst parent in the world because we did (or didn't do) something they wouldn't do for their child. Somebody thinks our decision is going to kill our children (yup, someone actually said that to me!).
I've come to realise that no matter what you do, you will not please everyone and why should you?! Do you actually care what this person thinks? Have you asked for their opinion? Does their opinion make them right?
It can be really tough to hear some of the things people have to say. Some are judgemental, some are trying to help, some are being downright cruel and rude and some you think 'Uhh where did you actually come from?'
You need to be tough to be a parent! Not only because these little pickles will drive you to insanity, scare the life out of you and keep you awake all night but because everywhere you go someone has an opinion and they will tell you about it whether you asked for it or not!
I'm here to tell you what to do about it (I told you, I'm a stranger on the internet who knows better than you!)
Own your decisions. Sometimes we have to make really hard decisions, sometimes we have to go against what we might normally do because it turns out it's for the best, sometimes we have to make snap decisions, sometimes we react on instinct instead of research but most of the time we spend hours trawling books and the internet to see what science, experts and other parents have to say. We compare the evidence, we weigh up the pros and cons and then we come to a decision. But whatever we do, we do it because these little pickles who drive us to insanity, scare the life out of us and keep us up all night are the reason for our existence and we would do anything to keep them safe and well.
Whatever decision you make, if you know you made it with the best intentions for your child then you have nothing to be defensive about and you have no one to answer to.
258326 - 2023-07-20 01:21:33