Holiday Sprout family style Part 2 Hypnobirthing Australia Conference day

Holiday Sprout family style Part 2 Hypnobirthing Australia Conference day


Posted 2015-05-28 by lizzifollow
Part 1 of our holiday adventures left off with me discovering that a 5:30 am wake up would be in order. And so part 2 opens with me getting up at 5:30. It was still dark – but I was OMG so excited!! Hypnobirthing Australia Conference day!!

I attempted to sneak around the house, terrified I was going to wake everyone – knowing that my in-laws would be spending the day with the kids I wanted everyone to get as much sleep as they could! But no-one is ever sneaky enough for the dog. And a little dog’s bark sounds mighty loud at 6am! Got my partner and kids up and we were off to the train station. Then I was kissing them good-bye and on the train and on my way into the city.

A jam packed schedule for the day

Found the venue and wandered in feeling super anxious. I don’t do groups well. Melissa found me and just as we were chatting a huge group walked in. After introductions I wandered in to get a coffee and wondered if I could just hide all day. I met people and, awkwardly, got involved in conversations and soon it was time to go in and find a table.

The morning was dedicated to two lectures by Dr Sarah Buckley. I have to admit to not reading her book, although it’s been on my list for ages – so I knew that this was going to be a huge learning experience for me. Notepad and pen in hand I was ready. And it’s a good thing too – because my mind was blown. All the things that I thought I knew were confirmed and validated. I learned heaps about hormones and how they work. And my new favourite phrase is “hormonal physiology” – I plan to use it as often as I can! The lectures also inspired me to finally write an article about physiology and birth. So at lunch time I gathered all my courage and went up to Sarah to tell her that she had just inspired my next article (okay, so it didn’t become my “next” article – but I promise that it’s coming soon!). She asked me to make sure I share it in her facebook group and after a few moments of chatting it turns out that she’s read some of my articles. And she liked them. I have no words!!

Dr Sarah Buckley presenting to the Hypnobirthing Australia Conference.

After lunch was dedicated to business. An announcement was made about some developments with the Hypnobirthing Australia course. Time management was discussed. I learned that I spend too much time on facebook – but that I’m not the only one. Media releases sound very interesting but I don’t think that talking to the media is my thing. I prefer to write my own article where I have full control over content. Learned some awesome strategies for information nights. Feeling inspired to do some you tube videos. And oh my… possibly the best bit – massage practice!!

Then it was time to finish up. Melissa led a beautiful relaxation meditation. And gave out awards. I scored an award for “blogging queen”! Should have called it “talks too much” LOL. Then we danced and did photos and mosied on down to the bar area for drinks and dinner and lots of chatting. What a wonderful way to finish off a beautiful conference – lots of laughter, lots of inspiration, lots of chatting. I was so sad that I needed to leave early. But with a lengthy train ride ahead I figured a late night was not a good idea!

What an amazing and inspirational bunch of women Photo courtesy of Melissa Spilsted, Director of Hypnobirthing Australia.

I really don't think that this blog can do justice to just how amazing the conference was for me. It somehow feels wrong to condense it all into a couple of paragraphs...but, alas, I have to keep to a decent word count!

I was buzzing the whole way home! My partner and Mr almost 2 picked me up at the train station – Mr almost 2 was asleep. I was advised that Ms 3 stayed home with her Poppy as she refused to leave Lily the dog. Best friends forever I think! My partner filled me in on their day – He and his dad took the kids to a bird sanctuary and my kids terrorised some birds. Some swimming again – despite the water being freezing. Hanging out with Poppy and Rita. A beautiful roast pork (pork’s not really my thing, but I trust my partner’s assessment!) for dinner.

We arrive home and have a bit of quiet time – Ms 3 argues with her Poppy about where the dog should sit and then asks for the dog to sleep in with her (she lost that argument). I’m so very happy to see the bed and go to sleep. Although with so many thoughts in my head from the conference I have no idea how I will sleep.

So far this holiday is proving to be pretty darn awesome! And we still have more family to catch up with, another conference, a resort stay and the trip home…Stay tuned for part 3!

Further reading of the holiday adventures:

{Holiday - Sprout family style. Part 1 - the roadtrip}

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