Gratitude challenge W is for Worms

Gratitude challenge W is for Worms


Posted 2015-07-01 by lizzifollow
Goodness me - we're nearly at the end of the challenge. I got off to such a flying start and the end has been, well...challenging!

Not because I've run out of gratitude but the usual time issues and children and housework and commitments and gardening...

Which is where the worms come in!!

Since starting my garden I've been busy making heaps of random compost heaps all through my garden. Some in pots, some just in a corner. All filled with food scraps, grass clippings, paper, random bits of dirt and WORMS!

I was so sad when my worms all vanished during the dry second half of last year and I seriously contemplated buying some. But the first half of this year has been nice and wet and perfect for my wormies. I just dig them up and move them to whichever compost heap needs extra worms.

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

And I'm starting to reap the benefits of these amazing creatures in the form of beautiful compost which is going to benefit all the plants growing in my garden and will keep us well supplied with fruit and veg.

Thank you worms!

What is the gratitude challenge?
I set myself this challenge as a way of maintaining some mindfulness and gratitude, but also to help me take time each and every day to focus on my writing.

I would welcome anyone else who wants to join the challenge. The rules are simple: Start at a and work your way through to z. You must do one each day, include a photo and they must be at least 2 paragraphs - after all the idea is to work on your writing not just your gratefulness.


258503 - 2023-07-20 01:25:04


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