Gratitude challenge I is for Inspirational women
There's a lot going on in the birthy world at present. Not much of it is positive and I see things getting a LOT worse before they get better for the women of Australia. Some days it's really hard and I wonder if it's all worth the effort.
Then I find my "tribe" - the women who remind me that we are fighting the good fight. The women who are standing up and being seen to be saying - women matter, birth matters, autonomy matters. I see the women who are standing up and taking responsibility for their birth and their babies. I see the women who are asking questions, who are learning, who want better for their families.
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Thank you beautiful, strong, loving, supportive women. YOU are my inspiration and I grateful to you today and everyday. xx
What is the gratitude challenge?
I set myself this challenge as a way of maintaining some mindfulness and gratitude, but also to help me take time each and every day to focus on my writing.
I would welcome anyone else who wants to join the challenge. The rules are simple: Start at a and work your way through to z. You must do one each day, include a photo and they must be at least 2 paragraphs - after all the idea is to work on your writing not just your gratefulness.
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