Gratitude challenge E is for evening
Or is it for: emotionally unstable threenager? Who is also the reason I am so very grateful for the evening today!
Ms 3 and a half stayed up until after midnight last night (don't ask, don't judge!) and I then had to wake her this morning to take her brother to daycare. She had at least half a dozen tantrums throughout the day - a couple of them bordering on full melt downs.
Evening in my street.
But I kept on keeping on and, as usually happens, evening arrived. Evening is when my partner arrives home. The children are bathed. It's often when I can be found sipping wine. It's also when I get the chance to have a bit of "quiet time" and write...or play candy crush depending on my mood!
Today I think I really earned my evening and am very grateful for it!
What is the gratitude challenge?
I set myself this challenge as a way of maintaining some mindfulness and gratitude, but also to help me take time each and every day to focus on my writing.
I would welcome anyone else who wants to join the challenge. The rules are simple: Start at a and work your way through to z. You must do one each day, include a photo and they must be at least 2 paragraphs - after all the idea is to work on your writing not just your gratefulness.
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