5 things I wish every woman knew about positive birth

5 things I wish every woman knew about positive birth


Posted 2015-03-29 by lizzifollow
DISCLAIMER: I am writing this in my capacity as a Hypnobirthing Australia certified practitioner and will therefore mention those techniques and philosophies throughout.

The Hypnobirthing Australia program gives women tools to help them have a positive birth. My own image.

Having a positive pregnancy and birth experience can have a profound effect on mums, dads, bubs and how they move forward as a family unit. However it is really important to understand what a positive birth is (and what it isn’t) and different ways to help you achieve this goal.

Number 1 - IT IS POSSIBLE!

This is the absolute biggest thing I wish that couples knew. It is completely and entirely possible to have an awesome and positive birth. Listen to, read and watch only positive birth stories. If people start to tell you of their birth experience ask them if the story is going to make you feel safe, nurtured and positive and if not tell them to save it. Check out the Hypnobirthing Australia website, facebook page or local practitioner for some awesome and inspiring POSITIVE birth stories.

Hypnobirthing Australia has some great, positive birth stories.

Number 2 – Positivity can be found in ANY birth

So many women think that the only positive births are those that are 2 hour long, pain free labours with no tearing as bub comes out. Well…I can assure that it is entirely possible for ANY labour and birth experience to be positive. I know many women who describe their 50 hour labours as positive, or their elective caesarean, or their emergency caesarean. It has less to do with the physiology of the birth and more to do with the next few points. Hypnobirthing Australia teaches you tools to help plan for a positive birth “no matter what turn your birthing journey takes.”

Number 3 – Knowledge is power – in a positive way!

A huge number of women who report having a positive experience also report having done a lot of research. They say that they felt informed and active in the decision making. And the best way to achieve this is through an independent childbirth class. Being a Hypnobirthing Australia Certified Practitioner, obviously I recommend our course. But there are NUMEROUS independent childbirth classes out there so, with a little research, you should have no worries finding the one that suits you.

Feeling positive in the knowledge that she has done her research Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Number 4 – A birth plan can help.

A birth plan is your map to a positive birth. It starts with your goals and then includes all the research that you’ve done on how to achieve your goals. By writing it all down you are ensuring that everyone on your team knows what your goals are and how they can help you achieve them. And a birth plan ensures that you are knowledgeable and prepared – for whatever turn your birthing journey takes.

Birth maps help create positive births Image courtesy of BellaBirth

Birth mapping is a great way to plan!

Number 5 – Positive relationships help create positive experiences.

Think carefully about who you allow onto your team. You want your team to help you to achieve a positive birth experience so it’s important to make sure that they agree with this goal and understand YOUR definition of a positive birth. Choose a care provider who shares your birth philosophy, hire a doula who can help support your plan and make sure that your partner is on board with meeting your needs.

Choose the right care provider for you!



Further reading:
{What good care does}
{Listen. learn, communicate, support - A man's place in birthing choices}
{Reasonable woman syndrome - An epidemic sweeping our maternity care system}
{Why we see caesareans as the easy way out}
{How to have a natural birth...or not}

258426 - 2023-07-20 01:23:33


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